Industry Insights

Table with surgical instruments - a large pile of wire gauze and silver kidney dish with surgeon

What Are the Risks of Domestic Medical Tourism?

In far too many cases, patients end up sicker than ever due to poorly trained practitioners providing low quality products in substandard facilities. It’s one thing when these things happen overseas, but nightmares such as these occur in Florida as well. Welcome to the world of domestic medical tourism.

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Small Terrier and tabby cat cuddling together on the grass

Pet Scams

Online pet scammers normally pretend to be located in the same country as you,  but far enough away to make it impossible to meet face-to-face.  Or at least close enough not to make the shipping of a puppy seem like a bizarre idea. 

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Man in Yoga Zen Lotus position silhouetted with Cosmos-Space Background

What Is Unethical Health and Wellness Tourism?

The medical tourism business model has a major problem. Very succinctly, there are only so many sick people at any given time. That being the case, the only way medical tourism operators can expand their business is by expanding their customer base. And the easiest way to do that is by offering services to include healthy people too. The result is “wellness tourism.”

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Young Woman with mouth open being examined by a dentist with a spotlight on her face

Is Dental Tourism Safe?

One of the main issues with dental care is the price. Many people don’t have dental insurance and treatments can become very expensive very quickly. Add to that the fact that most dental treatments require multiple visits to the dentist over a period of time. This all equals a lot of time and money. For these reasons, more and more people are turning to dental tourism.

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