Trace Your Cryptocurrency?
We Can Help
Credit Card Dispute?
We Can Help
Recover Lost Funds?
We Can Help

MyChargeBack is an expert in forensic cryptocurrency investigations and complex card-not-present transaction disputes, and has recovered millions of dollars for consumers worldwide.

Our technology and expertise aid law enforcement agencies, cryptocurrency exchanges and banks by expediting their own investigations and reducing processing time.

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    Featured Articles

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    Bitcoin Scams

    Bitcoin scams are everywhere. It’s important to be careful on the blockchain, but if you’ve lost your money to bitcoin fraud, we can help you on the road to bitcoin recovery. Getting your money back from crypto scams isn’t something you can do alone  - Read more

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    Crypto Scam Detection

    Is your crypto broker the real deal? Is that ecommerce site with prices in bitcoin offering actual merchandise? The blockchain can seem like a jungle and you may find yourself asking, “Is crypto a scam?” Fortunately not all digital currency transactions are dodgy - Read more

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    Crypto Recovery

    Have you lost your deposit to a fake broker? Did a crypto merchant never deliver your item? Fight back with crypto recovery methods that will get your money back. Our advanced bitcoin recovery methods, including bitcoin forensics and technical crypto investigation, will hit bitcoin frauds in ways they never expected. - Read more

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    Crypto Investigation Report

    We will summarize our extensive crypto investigation results in a report that will give you a head start with bitcoin recovery. Our investigation reports are crucial to getting authorities interested in your case and will give them the leads they need to help you get your money back. - Read more

    MyChargeBack on YouTube

    MyChargeBack has been cited as an industry subject matter expert by numerous news outlets, including:

    Welcome to MyChargeBack

    The Global Leader in Forensic Cryptocurrency Investigations and 

    Complex, Card-not-Present Transaction Dispute Resolution

    MyChargeBack has pioneered innovative strategies for tracing cryptocurrency across the blockchain, as well as pursuing chargebacks and other forms of restitution. Our dual mission is to facilitate the recovery of cryptocurrency by using state-of-the-art technology to conduct forensic blockchain investigations and level the playing field in the payments industry by improving the way consumers and issuing banks work to assess and validate disputes. 

    Everyday people need assistance and real protection when facing complex, authorized transactions gone bad. That was why MyChargeBack was created. Not only do individuals with transaction disputes turn to us, but non-profit agencies,  international financial institutions and banks seek our guidance as well. We invite you to view our introductory video to learn more.

    The Added Value of Working with MyChargeBack

    We bring our expertise in complex payment disputes to the consumer’s side.

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    Cardholders Have Rights

    Visa,® Mastercard® and all other card companies provide consumers with the right to dispute charges. We will explain to you what they are and how to make use of them so that you have the best possible chance of getting your money back.

    Bank icon with green money in foreground

    We'll Tell You the Truth Upfront

    If your case does not meet the criteria for a chargeback, we’ll tell you up-front. And if there is a more appropriate or affordable solution available, we’ll tell you what it is beforehand.

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    Quick Processing

    Credit card companies impose strict deadlines for submitting chargeback requests. But they can depend on a number of factors. We know what they are  and we’ll make sure that you won’t miss them. 

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    What if the Merchant Disagrees?

    The merchant may very well object to your chargeback in a written response called a representment. That’s why it’s vital right from the start to proceed with the most appropriate chargeback strategy.

    Driving the Trends in Consumer Advocacy

    Disputes involving authorized transactions are complex. Every year, many of the institutions that govern your rights to dispute change their policies.
    MyChargeBack clients gain from our team’s knowledge and expertise to fight for the best possible outcome.

    Our Services

    We have made it our business to assist consumers recover their money.

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    Step-by-Step Assistance

    We Accompany You Throughout the Chargeback Process

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    Cyber Intelligence Reports

    Uncovering the Identities of the Operators of Online Schemes

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    CryptoTrace Services

    State-of-the-Art Forensic Investigations and Reports

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    Business Intelligence Reports

    Merchant Evaluations & Corporate Investigations

    MyChargeBack International Offices

    Skyline of Manhattan looking South with the Empire State Building prominently positioned in the foreground (black and white).
    New York

    MyChargeBack has had a local presence in New York, the world’s financial hub, since it was founded in 2016. Working from Manhattan, our professionals reach out to the public around the globe.


    The South Africa MyChargeBack team, which is based in Pretoria, is led by our Director of South Africa Operations.

    Part of Tel Aviv Skyline (in black and white). In the foreground, the Azrieli Towers Complex, and in the mid background to the right, the Sarona Tower and Africa-Israel building1
    Tel Aviv

    Situated halfway between Hawaii in the west and New Zealand in the east, Tel Aviv’s location enables the MyChargeBack recovery team to speak with clients and banks in every time zone on the same day. 

    Are you eligible for a chargeback?

    The chargeback guidelines issued by credit card companies are roughly a thousand pages long. Not every chargeback professional is familiar with them. We are. We know them like the backs of our hands. Ask us if your case meets the requirements. 

    Next Level Concierge Services

    Strategic Fund Recovery Consultation We Are All In

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    Credit Card Dispute Strategy

    Our strategies and expertise combine to make them care! Credit card disputes are serious and credit card chargebacks warrant professional advice.

    The Leader in Credit Card Consumer Advocacy

    MyChargeBack's Expertise

    MyChargeBack is staffed by professionals with extensive financial, legal and regulatory backgrounds and dozens of years of experience. We have made it our business to assist consumers with complex credit card and debit card dispute resolution issues.

    If you have been unsuccessful in receiving a refund from a merchant, including online investment schemes that you suspect were not actually provided, we invite you to contact us to learn more about MyChargeBack fund recovery services.

    MyChargeBack has the experience to ensure that your claim is submitted properly. And we will guide you each step of the way.

    Young woman smiling holding credit card and typing in credit card details into her laptop in a cafe with an icon of metrics in the background
    Blue and orange credit cards piled on each other over another image of a man pointing at a post-it board

    Strategy Built on Experience

    Complex credit card and debit card disputes can be quite challenging so it's advantageous to get professional advice. This is because Visa and Mastercard rules and regulations use specific dispute resolution codes that should be referenced, along with the specific supporting evidence, when presenting the case to the bank. Customer service agents at banks, therefore, must be convinced that you have complied with the requirements as determined by this specific code before they can process and approve your request. 

    Contact Our Team!

    “Put your money back in your wallet – where it belongs!”