Crypto Phishing Scams – Thread to Cryptocurrency Users

By Evan Spicer

Director of Cryptocurrency Investigations

“Crypto phishing scams” are a serious threat to anyone who owns or uses cryptocurrency. These scams try to trick you into giving up your private keys, passwords, or wallet addresses, so that the scammers can steal your funds or access your accounts. Here are some tips on how to stay protected from crypto phishing scams:

  1. Always check the URL of the website you are visiting. Scammers often create fake websites that look like legitimate ones, but have slight differences in spelling or domain name. For example, instead of, they might use or
  2. Never click on links or open attachments from unknown or suspicious sources. Scammers may send you emails, messages, or pop-ups that claim to be from reputable companies or organizations, but are actually designed to infect your device with malware or redirect you to fake websites.
  3. Be wary of offers that sound too good to be true. Scammers may lure you with promises of free or discounted cryptocurrency, airdrops, giveaways, or investment opportunities. They may ask you to send them a small amount of crypto first, or to enter your private keys or passwords on their website. Don’t fall for it.
  4. Use a reputable and secure wallet to store your cryptocurrency. A wallet is a software or hardware device that allows you to send and receive cryptocurrency. Choose a wallet provider that has a good reputation, offers encryption and backup features, and supports the type of cryptocurrency you want to use.
  5. Keep your private keys and passwords safe and secret. Your private keys and passwords are the only way to access your cryptocurrency funds. If you lose them or share them with someone else, you may lose your funds forever. Never store them online, write them down on paper, or use the same password for different accounts.

Crypto phishing scams can be very convincing and sophisticated, but you can avoid them by following these simple steps. Remember, if you have any doubts about a website, email, message, or offer, don’t take any risks. Always do your own research and verify the source before you trust anyone with your cryptocurrency.

For more information on how to recover your funds if you have been scammed, visit MyChargeBack, a leading provider of forensic cryptocurrency investigations that trace crypto through the blockchain from its point of origin to the wallet at which it was cashed out.